
How To Set Up Co2 In Aquarium

Written past: Team BP & Anne (expertaquarist)

If you lot just recently established your planted aquarium then I'm sure you lot are thinking, "how exercise I get my aquatic plants to grow as fast & salubrious every bit possible?"

You need a CO2 setup to make it a reality. CO2 might be lethal for u.s.a. humans but it is the cardinal to life for plants.

CO2 is the biggest distributor of photosynthesis, which is the manner of survival for plant life. Yous can abound your aquatic plants in your aquascape 5-x times faster by supplementing CO2.

This is ane benefit, but at that place are plenty more that come with using CO2 in a planted aquarium. Excited to discover out? Then please go along reading!

This article will include:

  • A brief overview of why CO2 is of import for your aquatic plants
  • The different types of CO2 setups
  • An easy how-to guide on how to setup pressurized CO2
  • Must-read CO2 tips

high tech aquarium

Why practise you need CO2?

To understand the importance of CO2 in planted aquariums, nosotros need to go through a little boring science talk. I know you lot didn't come here for a science class, simply please read information technology with undivided attention for your tank'due south sake .

They need it for the procedure of photosynthesis, in which they apply light, water, and CO2 to make sugar and oxygen. Chemical potential energy is stored in sugar molecules that help in their respiration and growth.

Plants with great carbon affinity have shown faster growth rates compared to the opposite. By supplementing CO2, you tin can grow your plants much faster and healthier.

Cheers to the fish respiration and organic breakup alongside surface agitation, at that place is enough CO2 for a depression light/depression tech aquarium, and then they don't necessarily need extra; still, calculation more would show better results.

Only for medium/high lighting, there is no other option but to introduce CO2. This conundrum makes CO2 injection vital for the growth of your plants.

high tech aquatic plants

High tech plants and CO2 injection

Loftier tech, a fancy discussion! It doesn't mean you need giant and expensive components, rather the impact of said components has to be huge. Aquatic plants in a high tech tank need CO2 injection, why? I'll explain information technology below.

Healthy Growth

Plants that are accounted loftier tech are commonly divers every bit those which demand strong lighting. Going along with that definition, a high-tech tank would demand lots of CO2 as it shares a direct relationship with lighting intensity, or the plants merely won't grow properly. Ultimately, adding CO2 to your tank will result in faster and more vibrant growth of your aquatic plants.

Balanced CO2

More lighting means the plants grow quicker, and so there is more than demand for resources. Sadly, CO2 doesn't dissolve from the air into the water every bit quickly as plants employ information technology up due to various factors; hence, there is no equilibrium. Therefore, this needs to be accomplished with CO2 injection then that the balance isn't broken. Because of this, adding CO2 to your planted aquarium may also result in less algae in the aquarium.

Colour Intensity

When you inject CO2, it volition have that desirable effect on your plants' coloration.

For case, suppose you desire a vibrant color from a reddish aquatic plant; even so, information technology is unachievable without CO2 injection. Some low lighting plants might exist able to grow like that, but the difference in color intensity will exist clear as day.

So, high tech plants need CO2 injection if you want them to expect vibrant, lively, and lustrous.

Better Carpet Development

Many aquarists dearest having carpet plants. They wait fabulous inside a well-lit tank. Although, in order to attain that lush rug, aquatic  carpet plants need a lot of CO2 to abound well.

If yous have a tank with high lighting and your carpet growing attempt is not going as yous wanted, the reason is virtually likely low CO2.

I believe these intricacies will give you a improve insight into why CO2 injectors are then crucial for a planted aquarium.

  • Note : Keep in mind that high CO2 concentration could cause issues for the inhabitants. Practice the proper research on your fishy friends before adding CO2 injection to your planted aquarium.

carpeting aquatic plants

CO2 injection methods

At that place are a couple methods past which you lot tin can add together a CO2 setup to your aquarium. We will briefly explain each setup for you (Click the names to view products)
one. Pressurized CO2
2. DIY CO2

Pressurized CO2

Pressurized CO2 is the most mutual mode to inject CO2 in the aquascaping hobby. These setups are sustainable, and most chiefly, can exist simple to ready. All you need to do is get together the parts properly and open the valves at the right fourth dimension.

Here is the required equipment described. Below we volition accept a setup guide.

Required Equipment:

  • Regulator - This will initially introduce CO2 during the injection procedure. They take a gauge that tells you lot how much pressure level is going in while adjusting that with a knob. Tanks exert CO2 rapidly, and having a regulator will deadening it downwards to one chimera at a time. Check out CO2 Regulators HERE.
  • Diffuser - This allows CO2 to enter your planted tank effectively. A porous medium will break down gaseous CO2 into misty bubbles, making it easy for your aquarium to absorb them. It is all-time to position your diffuser reverse of the outlet because the flow from the filter volition push the bubbles throughout the water cavalcade for improve improvidence. Bank check out a great choice of diffusers Hither.
  • Bubble Counter - It'll monitor the bubbles you are injecting through the regulator. This is external equipment that you volition accept to add to your filter tubing.
  • Drop Checker - This specialized kit measures how much CO2 has been diffused in h2o. It is like a vessel with a solution named bromothymol blue that changes colour depending on the CO2 concentration in your aquarium. Y'all want the color of the liquid to be Dark-green which indicates the concentration is ideal.
  • Solenoid - Aquarists beloved solenoid. They are affordable and efficient, exactly what you want in your aquarium. When the lights are off, plants don't take part in photosynthesis, so in that location is not much of a demand for CO2 at that time.
    Only you can't e'er exist physically continuing by your aquarium to turn information technology off manually. If you utilize a solenoid valve and an electric timer, yous tin turn off the CO2 influx at the right time.
    These components are a must to build a CO2 injector. While all of these aren't difficult to find, you will spend quite a while going to unlike places to get them.
  • Tubing - You need this to connect your regulator and diffuser. Exist sure to purchase tubing that is meant for CO2 because regular tubing allows CO2 to leak out. Buce Institute has CO2 tubing HERE.
  • Spanner - A spanner is a blazon of wrench used to tighten up the regulator to prevent leakage.
  • CO2 Tank - They come in dissimilar sizes, but I'll propose you get for a large one to save coin and take more CO2 in the long run. CO2 tanks, sodaline bottles, and paintball CO2 tanks are all options for a pressurized setup. Exist certain to purchase the correct adapter to fit the regulator onto these tanks.

Be certain to purchase CO2 equipment from a trustworthy source. I recommend products from the Buce Plant CO2 collection which has fantastic equipment and devices to get you up to speed. Buce Found offers unique bundles that will include the beautiful regulator, bubble counter, drib checker, and solenoid.

uns dual stage regulator
Click here for UNS PRO Dual Phase CO2 Regulator


The DIY option is a practiced choice for people that desire to requite CO2 a try before investing a big amount of money into pressurized CO2. Nosotros recommend using the Aquario Neo CO2 DIY Kit, equally they are reliable and affordable. Yous can check out the set upward video on the product page HERE.

Required Equipment:

  • A bottle
  • Tubing (Vinyl or silicon)
  • Suction cup
  • Diffuser
  • Scissors
  • Check valve
  • Carbohydrate
  • Water
  • Yeast
  • Airstone

Although the DIY way is peachy for beginners with nano rimless aquariums, you still want the best possible growth and health of your aquatic plants. It may be best to eventually open your wallet a picayune.

aquario neo diy co2 kit
Click here for Aquario NEO CO2 DIY Kit

Pressurized CO2 setup – the easy step guide

Although the thought of injecting CO2 in your aquarium might sound very daunting, the procedure is fairly simple. Nosotros have even included an easy How To Setup Video for Buce Institute's UNS Pro Dual Stage CO2 Regulator:

Pressurized CO2 Setup Step Guide

After you've gathered all the equipment, this is the main issue. Once you know how to do it, you'll have your setup running in seconds. Follow these steps accordingly:

  1. You start off past connecting all the components together. Follow this arrangement to get it washed easily-Tighten the regulator with a spanner and adhere information technology to the CO2 tank. Identify the diffuser inside the tank, and make sure it is placed properly. Connect the diffuser and bubble counter with a CO2 resistant tubing. Attach a solenoid valve to the regulator if the solenoid is separate from the regulator
  2. When all the parts are connected, yous move to the next phase. Commencement, slightly open the needle valve that is on your regulator. This will make sure no harm happens to your solenoid when the primary valve of the bottle is released.
  3. Now you tin can switch on the main valve of the bottle to release CO2. If the bottle is full, the gauge would indicate 800-chiliad psi.
  4. To release CO2 from your regulator, slowly turn the needle valve and look at the bubble counter to adjust the rate.
  5. Adjust the needle valve so you can see one-2 bubbles per 2d. For larger aquariums, yous would need more than. The needle valves can exist frail, then be patient when fine tuning.
  6. Monitor the drop checker for a few hours. Check what colour is showing, dark blue means high pH/low CO2 while yellow indicates depression pH/high CO2. Adjust the CO2 needle valve until the liquid turns green.You lot got to keep in mind that the drop checker indicates the CO2 level that was present 1 hour ago. This is because it takes 1 hour to reply to the CO2 level.
  7. Setup the electric timer so the solenoid can shut off the CO2 regulator. It is recommended to set the timer to turn on 1 hour before lights turn on and plow off i hour before the lights plow off.

aquario neo co2 diffuser

Balancing Your CO2

Keep in mind that while CO2 is an important component of establish growth, overdosing CO2 will non create better results. Be careful! Over injecting CO2 can cause decease to your planted tank inhabitants due to the lack of oxygen. For long-term benefits, a constant concentration of CO2 should exist maintained.

The injection charge per unit of CO2 depends on diverse factors like flow rate, surface book, number of plants, etc. Driblet checkers will assistance inform you if the tank is deficient or has too much dissolved CO2. Its display of colour is safer than calculating pH and KH or using tests considering there is less  margin of fault. Brand sure to always keep an heart on your drop checker to forbid under or over dosing.

betta planted tank

Must-Read Tips

  • Save your CO2 by setting the timer to get off ane hr before the lights get out. Past so, there should be plenty CO2 remaining for the final hour of the photoperiod.
  • Start the CO2 infusion 1 hour before the lights proceed. This will ensure an adequate concentration of CO2 is present when the photoperiod begins considering the beginning of the photoperiod is the most of import.
  • Every tank is different, so you volition accept to test your chimera counter and schedule a few times to get the green colour on your drop checker.
  • Experiment with the CO2 levels earlier you innovate fish in the tank. This way, you avoid whatever fatality while you are finding your ideal setup.
  • Brand certain to get a dark green color. Don't confuse it with a xanthous-green tint.

Make Your aquatic plants happy

At present that yous know the benefit of using CO2 in a planted aquarium, become give CO2 injection a try! Regardless of whether your planted aquarium is high tech or low tech, your aquatic plants will benefit from CO2 injection in the aquarium. Experience free to bank check out Buce Plant'due south extensive pick of CO2 accessories. Feel free to hitting them upward on Instagram or Facebook with any questions y'all may take! Have fun and go decorate your aquarium with brilliant and stunning aquatic plants.

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