
Book of Boba Fett episode 5's big return has fans screaming with joy online

Book of Boba Fett episode five'due south big return has fans screaming with joy online

Boba Fett in a poster for The Book of Boba Fett
(Image credit: Lucasfilm/Disney Plus)

Spoiler warning for the events of The Book of Boba Fett episode 5 !

Okay, then with that out of the manner: as teased recently, Book of Boba Fett only delivered a large return that may have given the series a bit of new life — or at to the lowest degree more attention. We won't reveal the identity of that character besides early, though, as eyes don't always stick just on the line with the spoiler warning. We've all been there.

Only user @JannaLynn95 bankrupt it down in the nigh succinct format: a meme. Yes, distracted boyfriend is now distracted Star Wars fan, and his eyes are on one of his favorite characters:

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Yes, Star Wars fans, Din Dijarin himself, better known as Mando aka Baby Yoda's bestie, is back. And as you lot probably know Book of Boba Fett episode five didn't try and hide the news. The episode started off hot with Mando collecting a bounty, slicing and dicing aliens inside a butcher'south freezer.

The screaming memes reacting to Mando'due south placement in the opening scene were to exist expected, and users including @delltreasure and @SeagoatTEX delivered.

And, yes, he'due south got the Darksaber too. And then this isn't a flashback. Though, one of our staffers called this episode a flake of filler. Others, declare that today is really the unofficial start of The Mandalorian season 3:

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Fans are also pouring a pint out for Temeura Morrison/Boba Fett, who'south possibly feeling a bit neglected right now, equally @Calebnavarette expressed with this meme of Willem Dafoe's demeanor turning sour.

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The glee continued as @Pacifist_Elk noted the obvious sidecar-like bubble pod for Grogu in Mando's N1 Starfighter. Yes, it is a "a perfect little Grogu-sized compartment," and we wouldn't take information technology whatsoever other way.

Though, let'south be honest, this gives the N1 a target for the truly heinous in the galaxy who would dare target the smallest and cutest fellow member of the Star Wars world.

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How does The Volume of Boba Fett end properly?

Before The Book of Boba Fett aired, it was jokingly referred to every bit Mandalorian season 2.5, and this return (and reaction) makes that idea seem all besides prescient.

Hopefully, though, we'll get a decent ending for this season, as Fett'southward quest for power in Mos Espa has been a adequately plodding matter. He'll have to practice it without Mando, though.

Hopefully, the ending of The Book of Boba Fett volition have some dramatic and emotional resonance that makes the series feel like it was worth watching.

Henry is a senior editor at Tom'south Guide roofing streaming media, laptops and all things Apple, reviewing devices and services for the past six-plus years. Prior to joining Tom's Guide, he reviewed software and hardware for TechRadar Pro, and interviewed artists for Patek Philippe International Magazine. He's also covered the wild world of professional wrestling for Cageside Seats, interviewing athletes and other industry veterans.


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